Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rabbit-Proof Fence

I think that Molly is a very courageous and clever character in the story of the Rabbit-Proof Fence. Molly, being the oldest of the three girls, leads them throughout their journey back from the camp that they were taken to to be something like slaves. Also, in the beginning of the movie, you find that Molly is a good tracker, which helps her escape from the man chasing them on the way back home. I think that Molly is not a hero, from the part of the story so far, because she hasn't done much to claim herself as one that saves lives, or anything incredible or out of the ordinary. Yes, she had led the other two girls home safely (So Far), and yes, she had given them advice as to what to do, but as far as their status in the world at that point is concerned, it means nothing but trying to stay alive and healthy, without the english closely following them.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Leonardo Da Vinci- A Renaissance Man

Leonardo Da Vinci was a Renaissance man because, as a painter, like many others in that time, he was quite skilled in the arts. However Leonardo Da Vinci was also a sculptor, inventor, engineer, scientist, mathematician and geologist, among other things also. This meant he must have been a true genius as he could compare to the other renaissance masters who were only good at one or two things. Leonardo Da Vinci had a mind that allowed him to invent and discover the things that were once thought to be impossible, cutting bodies open to find the anatomy of a human, also for the vetruvian man. Also, as an inventor, scientist and mathematician, he could combine his genius to figure out the blueprints for such inventions as the organ gun and the flying machine, using many concepts that he himself had discovered, although the flying machine didn't work. In conclusion, Leonardo was able to understand everything and more in his time, being a true renaissance mastermind.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome

I think that Brunelleschi was mostly directed to succeed by the risks that he took because, even though he was influenced by the people around him, he was most influenced by his risk-taking, which he did a lot of. During the construction of the dome, Brunelleschi was forced to make several risks, including that of the contract of the dome, which he was granted after presenting his solution to the problem of being able to stand an egg on its pointy side so that it doesn't fall. He also had to take many life-daring risks during the construction of the dome, such as building the outer dome through the inner dome

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do our ideas come from?

I think that our ideas come from visualization, because, for example when we looked at birds and thought, 'Hey, why can't we do that?', and probably, when we got on horses and rode fast we thought, 'Hey, why can't we go really fast?', but planes were probably invented after cars because cars had engines, and so did planes, but just stronger engines.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite Short Story from our unit

My favorite short story was "Lamb to the slaughter", because of the interesting plot line, including mystery and quite an exciting climax. I found that the unexpected murder of Patrick Maloney was very intense, because I would never have accused someone's own wife of killing them if I had known them for years! I also enjoyed making a CSI investigation script to find out who killed Mr. Maloney. I worked together with Joonatan on the CSI investigation, but unluckily we did not perform. I think that the story could have been more exciting, but as far as the stories we have read in this unit, "Lamb to the Slaughter" is definitely the most interesting and exciting.