Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite Short Story from our unit

My favorite short story was "Lamb to the slaughter", because of the interesting plot line, including mystery and quite an exciting climax. I found that the unexpected murder of Patrick Maloney was very intense, because I would never have accused someone's own wife of killing them if I had known them for years! I also enjoyed making a CSI investigation script to find out who killed Mr. Maloney. I worked together with Joonatan on the CSI investigation, but unluckily we did not perform. I think that the story could have been more exciting, but as far as the stories we have read in this unit, "Lamb to the Slaughter" is definitely the most interesting and exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that's exactly the reason why I liked Lamb to the Slaughter as well. I also like your post 'cause you mentioned me in it. :D
